DES MOINES – October is meant to be the scariest month of the year, but State Treasurer Roby Smith wants to make sure paying for education is not something to be spooked about. Check out this scary good list of benefits of saving with ISave 529.
Hauntingly Good Tax Advantages
Iowa taxpayers can deduct up to $5,500 per Beneficiary account from their state income taxes in 2024. Additionally, assets in an account grow deferred from federal and state income taxes, and account owners will not pay federal or state taxes on withdrawals for qualified education expenses.
Spooktacular Investment Options
The Plan offers a variety of investment options, including 12 Individual Portfolios and four Age-Based Tracks, which automatically adjust the investments from more aggressive to more conservative as the child ages.
No Tricks, Just Treats
An ISave 529 account is easy to set up and manage. With only $25, an account can be opened online in 10 minutes and automatic contributions can make saving effortless. Additionally, family and friends can contribute to the account, making it a great option for gift-giving occasions like birthdays and holidays.
Conquer Fears with ISave 529
When it comes to your saving goals for a child’s education, remember that every little bit counts. Even small, consistent contributions can add up over time and make a significant impact on their future.
“Secure a brighter tomorrow for your children and don’t let fear hold you back when it comes to saving for education,” Smith said. “With just $25 to open an account and 10 minutes that is less time than handing out candy on Halloween.”
Learn more about ISave 529 at ISave529.com or (888) 672-9116. Follow ISave 529 on Facebook, Instagram and X for current events and updates. For additional details about ISave 529, read the Program Description.