DES MOINES – State Treasurer Roby Smith is pleased to share ISave 529, formerly College Savings Iowa, received a top 10 ranking by Saving For College in both five-year and 10-year returns. “These rankings validate what I already knew, which is that ISave 529 provides best-in-class investments for families who want to save for education. We are thrilled with how our plan stacks up against other plans across the nation!” Smith said.
Each quarter, Saving For College analyzes the investment returns for thousands of 529 portfolios and ranks the 529 savings plans based on overall performance of age-based and target-year portfolios offered by each plan. For more information about the rankings, visit savingforcollege.com/529-plans/performance-rankings.
Anyone – parents, grandparents, friends and relatives – can invest in ISave 529 for a tax-advantaged way to save for education. Money in an account can be used to pay for tuition; room and board; computers; textbooks and other qualified education expenses at any eligible higher education institution in the U.S. or abroad. This includes colleges, universities, trade schools and apprenticeship programs. Account funds can also be used for repayment of any qualified education loan and tuition expenses in connection with enrollment at a K-12 institution. Plus, Iowa taxpayers can deduct up to $5,500 of their contributions per Beneficiary account from their 2024 state income taxes.
“ISave 529 has a wide range of investment options for Account Owners depending on their comfort with risk and timeline for saving,” added Smith. “In addition to four Age-Based Savings Tracks, where your investments are gradually shifted from more aggressive to more conservative as your Beneficiary ages, ISave 529 also offers 12 Individual Portfolios. “Use our simple, three-step Guide to Choosing Investments to help determine which options are right for you!”
Learn more about ISave 529 at ISave529.com. Follow ISave 529 on Facebook, Instagram and X for current events and updates. For additional details about ISave 529, read the Program Description.