Iowa Educational Savings Plans Trust


Start with as little as $25.

Contribution Methods


In the background is a child. In the foreground the child's hand is putting a coin in a piggy bank.Making contributions is easy by logging in through our website or with the READYSAVE 529 app. You can set up recurring contributions that occur monthly or quarterly – whichever works best for you! There’s even an option to automatically increase your recurring contribution on an annual basis, at an amount and timing of your choice.

Not interested in recurring contributions or want to make a “spur-of-the-moment” contribution? You can always make a one-time contribution and do it as frequently as you’d like. If your Beneficiary receives birthday or holiday gifts, consider contributing it to your ISave 529 account.

At Work

Contribute directly to your account with as little as $15 every paycheck. If your employer offers payroll direct deposit, set it up by logging in to your account or submitting a Payroll Deduction Instruction Form.

For Special Occasions

Saving is easier with help from family and friends. Invite them to easily and securely contribute to your account with Ugift® for birthdays, holidays, graduations and other special occasions.

With a Rollover

You can rollover money from another state's 529 plan or a Coverdell Education Savings Account.

By Mail

You can always write a check ($25 minimum) and send your contribution to ISave 529.

Make the check payable to ISave 529, and include the account number and Beneficiary’s name.

Open an Account Already have an account? Log in!


© 2024 Iowa Educational Savings Plans Trust. All rights reserved.